Filter (magazine)

FILTER, the publication that promises us that "Good music will prevail," is a seasonal American music and off-beat entertainment magazine. It features commentary and photos of up-and-coming musicians and filmmakers ranging from actors to writer-directors. Each season's (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Holiday) issue highlights a reasonably well-known cover artist while also taking a look at smaller artists under the heading "Getting to Know." The magazine also includes reviews of forthcoming albums and DVDs.

The magazine used to contain a "PSSST!" compilation with each issue.

The publication helps to bring indie music to the forefront through its reporting while also highlighting established artists in long-form interviews.

FILTER is published by Alan Miller and Alan Sartirana. Editor-In-Chief is Pat McGuire. Associate editor is Breanna Murphy. The layout designer is Melissa Simonian.

FILTER also has a marketing arm which operates independently of the print publication.

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